With Europcar On Demand, gasoline is always included in your booking, but don't forget to refuel at SOLRED group gas stations (Repsol, Campsa or Petronor) so that you can pay the amount without complications and with the card that you will find in the data fob.
In case you have any sort of issues with the Solred card, either because it is not in the car or because the card does not work while refuelling at Repsol, Campsa or Petronor, follow the steps below:
1. Refuel at the nearest gas station you find.
2. Pay the amount of fuel.
3. Request an invoice for the amount with our fiscal data (IMPORTANT). Our tax information is as follows:
- CIF: B86038064
- Address: Avda. del Partenón, 16 Planta 2, 28042
4. Send it to [email protected] with the following information:
- Photo of the invoice (send us the ticket if you couldn't get the invoice).
- Reason for which it has not been possible to refuel with the Solred card.
- Affected booking.
- Account number where you want to receive the refund.